If only conservatives and liberals could speak to each other the way these two fellows speak on subjects that have driven the ideologies so far apart.
If only …
David Brooks is a conservative columnist for the New York Times; Mark Shields’s left-leaning column is circulated in newspapers all across the country.
They took on the issue of what to call the terrorists with whom we are at war.
I particularly liked Brooks’s assessment of whether the monsters are “Islamic terrorists.” His view? All religion is open to interpretation. Christians, Jews and Muslims all interpret their faiths differently. He said the terrorists don’t practice mainstream Islam, but they’re Islamic, so why not call them such?
I don’t necessarily think it’s important that we call these terrorists Islamic. We know what they’re doing. As Shields noted, most of the Islamic State’s victims are Muslims. They’re also killing Christians and Jews. They’re evil in the extreme and we need to respond accordingly — which we are doing.
But the discussion on PBS is worth seeing anyway.
If only the two sides could talk to each other the way these fellows do.