Jobs report looks good … but where are the critics?

This thought just occurred to me.

On Friday of this past week, the Labor Department released some jobs numbers: The economy added 146,000 jobs in November; the unemployment rate dropped from 7.9 percent to 7.7 percent, the lowest jobless rate in four years.

Good numbers, yes? Sort of. The dip in joblessness seems to be a function in part of people no longer looking for work. The addition of 146,000 jobs is good news in any context, although some “experts” say we need to add about 100,000 more than that figure to make substantial progress on an economic recovery.

The thought that occurs is this: During the presidential campaign, the Republicans were like ugly on an ape when figures like this were released, telling all who would listen that the “dismal” numbers were proof that President Obama’s policies aren’t working. Indeed, when the September jobs figures came out, some blowhards – such as former GE boss Jack Welch – accused the White House of cooking the books to make the president look good. These latest job numbers look much as they have done for many months in a row … but the critics have been virtually silent.

The election has ended, the Democrats won. Obama has been re-elected. No need now, apparently, for the “loyal opposition” to put negative spin on positive news.