I’ve already pontificated on how I think the so-called “War on Christmas” is a trumped-up phenomenon, courtesy of the conservative mainstream media.
Allow me this one more brief note on the issue. Then I’ll move on to something else.
Conservative talking heads lament the “happy holidays” greeting that some retailers insist their employees give to shoppers as evidence of the phony war. I say: So what?
I prefer to wish people a Merry Christmas when I encounter them. Why? Well, I celebrate the holiday right along with the rest of the Christian world. I understand its religious significance and I enjoy most of the trappings that come with the holiday.
But the “happy holidays” greeting isn’t meant to insult me. I take zero offense at hearing it from total strangers.
They don’t know a thing about me. They don’t know whether I’m a Christian, or whether I worship some other faith that doesn’t celebrate Christmas.
What in the name of God Almighty is wrong with someone wishing a total stranger a happy holiday?
The war on Christmas isn’t being waged by those who are trying to please those they meet during a busy shopping season. Last time I checked, I realized that the United States of America is a diverse country filled with 300 million or so individuals of vastly different faiths. I see them regularly during the course of most of my days at my part-time job.
Am I going to wish them a Merry Christmas when I know they don’t celebrate this holy holiday season? No.
Nor do I take offense when someone makes a good faith effort to wish me happiness during this holiday season.
There. I’ve had my say.
I’ll enjoy the rest of my Christmas season.