City embarks on new hiring course

Sometimes it takes an embarrassment to shame a public entity into making improvements in the way it hires key administrative personnel.

Amarillo has been embarrassed by controversy surrounding its Animal Control Shelter.

Its top two administrators — director Mike McGee and assistant director Shannon Barlow — “retired” from the city after allegations surfaced about the manner in which unwanted pets were being euthanized. The city launched a top-to-bottom review of those procedures, enacted some changes and then set out looking for a new administrator to lead the newly named department.

This week two finalists met city staff and, more importantly, were introduced to the public. They are Paul O’Neill of Midland and Richard Havens of Hutchinson, Kan.

The hiring process more or less mirrors the way West Texas A&M University hires its campus presidents. It’s a healthy process that enables the public to size up applicants for a key publicly funded position. It gives the public a chance to buy in to the individuals being considered.

So it is with Amarillo’s new animal control director.

You know, it sounds almost like the kind of vetting process the city could employ when hiring all its department heads.

The city conducted a national search and will choose one of two individuals. The hire will be made by City Manager Jarrett Atkinson.

Let’s hope everyone who gets face time with the candidates is allowed to express his or her opinion of them, so that the city manager can make an informed choice.

The city needs no more embarrassment.