Biden made unprecedented move

I want to bask for just a little while longer in the afterglow of the Democratic National Convention, which wrapped up Thursday and sent its presidential and vice-presidential nominees to fight the Republican ticket.

My point is to echo the praise we heard from the convention podium about the selflessness exhibited by President Joe Biden as he dropped his re-election bid, endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to replace him … and he did this on his own.

I won’t quibble or quarrel over what motivated him to take that dramatic action. Biden said he loves being president but added quickly that “I love my country more.”

Indeed, when you ponder it for just a moment, the act of voluntarily giving up political power has to rank as one of the most improbable acts imaginable.

Could the president reverse his political fortune and defeated the GOP ticket? I believe it was possible. The seamless handoff to Kamala Harris, though, has energized Democrats beyond all expectation.

I also agree with Biden about the imperativeness of keeping Donald Trump away from the Resolute Desk … forever!

If that was Joe Biden’s primary motivation in surrendering power, then I’m all in on that effort.  I also join others who have hailed this act as one of high political courage.

As former President Obama said at the end of his stemwinding speech at the DNC: Let’s get to work!

One thought on “Biden made unprecedented move”

  1. We have much work to do. It is astonishing that nearly half of Americans support a convicted criminal with zero morals and cares nothing about the country or any individual. It is as plain as the nose on your face. donald (I will not capitalize his name) has brainwashed millions of Americans. He is not a Republican. The Republican party that once stood for something and had a platform, is no more. He has formed a cult with millions of followers, who will stupidly vote for him. Those people cannot be helped, nor have their mind changed with facts. They disregard facts, and follow only what donald says as truth. That is what we are fighting against, and President Biden knew it. Biden’s legacy will be one of selfless courage and conviction. Additionally, all of the bills he enacted into law to help the American people. He was and is a great president. However, he passed the torch to another pro-American and very intelligent woman of a younger generation. I watched the entire 4 day convention, and must say that I was impressed beyond expectations. I laughed some, and I cried as well. We are at the precipice of keeping our democracy or losing it to a criminal autocrat/dictator. Our standing in the world will drop to zero confidence. Our allies, especially NATO members, will no longer have assurance that the United States will adhere to Article 5, despite the only time in the history of NATO it was invoked to help the United States after the 9/11 terrorist attack. We have many voters who simply are not educated and vote party over country. I’ve had three Republican neighbors state they are voting for Kamala in November. They aren’t changing their party, but they know what is best for the country. I hope eventually they will come over to our tent (the Democrats,) but if not, at least they know truth from fiction and are voting for truth. A part of me thinks this election may turn into a landslide victory for Kamala and Tim, as I believe there are other Republicans “in the closet” who will secretly vote for them. I hope I am correct. There will be chaos and confusion with the election results….donald has already shown his cards and it’s 2020.2. and on steroids. We will win in November, and donald can rot in his cottage at Mar-a-lago with all of his minions. To be a billionaire (supposedly,) he’s done little to nothing with regard to philanthropic efforts. Character and virtues do matter.

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