Campaign suddenly sizzles

When was the last time a presidential campaign thought to be mired in moribund monotony has sprung to life literally overnight with the emergence of a new candidate?

Do you give up? No worries. I can’t think of an earlier time, either.

President Biden, the former oldest man to seek the presidency, surrendered his re-election campaign. He anointed Vice President Kamala Harris as his heir apparent … and then it hit the fan!

Harris raised $120 million in a single day. She has scarfed up thousands of endorsements, not to mention enough delegates to secure her nomination as the Democratic Party nominee next month.

Young voters tell pollsters they are excited again. So are women who are still furious over the Supreme Court decision that ended the right to an abortion.

VP Harris, meanwhile, is beginning to hone her attack rhetoric against Donald Trump, reminding voters that as a career prosecutor, she has taken on sexual assailants, crooks and frauds. “I know Donald Trump’s type,” she tells campaign rallies.

It has been a remarkable, not to mention rapid, acceleration of Democratic enthusiasm for the top of their party’s presidential ticket. The party was worried about whether its presumptive nominee has the wattage to stay in the race.

He vows to stay the course. Then … he declares that his reverence for the office he is “honored” to serve is eclipsed only by his “love of country.” The time has come, Joe Biden said, to hand the reins to a younger group of leaders.

Thus, a new campaign was given life instantly by a simple act of patriotism.

May the new frontrunner maintain her high energy for the next 100 days. This blogger looks forward to typing the words “President Kamala Harris.”