Stay the course, Mr. POTUS

You are getting boatloads of advice, Mr. President, on what to do in the wake of your dismal debate performance the other evening.

So, I reckon you won’t mind one more nugget from the Heartland.

This American patriot wants you to stay in the race. Don’t surrender to those who want to cut their losses, believing now that you are doomed to lose to Donald J. Trump. I am not one of them.

Advice nugget No. 1:  get rid of the team that prepped you for that first encounter in Atlanta. At the very least, shed yourself of the person in charge of the team.

I watched every cringeworthy moment of the debate, Mr. President. You looked to my eyes as if you were crammed full of facts. You unable to unload many of them on Trump, the pathological liar who demonstrated once more his inability to tell the truth. Every … single … thing that flew out of Trump’s mouth was a lie.

The editors of some of America’s great journalism institutions have swallowed “needs to quit” bait.

I am not taking that bait. There remains plenty of time for you get your campaign aimed in the correct direction, You also have another debate scheduled in September.  You have been through enough of these to know what you need to do,

Your foe is a shameful frontrunner who doesn’t give a damn about those of us out here in the heart of America. I believe in your decades of public service, Mr. President. I want other Americans to believe in them, too.

You, sir, are the only person who dan deliver that message.

One thought on “Stay the course, Mr. POTUS”

  1. John:

    I’m a never Trumper myself. I believe he is devoid of any moral or ethical character and has failed the test of leadership going back decades.

    I think keeping Biden on the ticket only insures Trump’s victory.

    Biden is a decent man. Many have testified to his graciousness . Maureen Dowd, in her recent column, spoke of Biden’s inability to hold a grudge.

    Unfortunately, like the rest of us, Biden is getting older. There’s no shame in that. But his performance in the debate solidified he has declined past the point of being able to lead our country as we face , perhaps, the greatest challenges ever.

    The Democrats should do their best to put forth their best alternative.

    That person might win in a landslide.

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