Nothing wrong with note cards

As Republicans continue to make President Biden’s alleged intellectual slippage an issue, I am intrigued by a recent criticism that has emerged.

The president uses note cards to conduct meetings with public officials. My response? Big fu**ing deal! There is nothing wrong with an individual who happens to be president of the world’s most powerful nation relying on written notes to help guide him through sensitive discussions.

I recall that President Reagan relied on note cards when he met with individuals. I also recall that Democrats took pot shots at Reagan for what they implied was a sign that he had slipped a bit, too.

One of my favorite critics happened to be the congressman who represented me in the House of Representatives, Democrat Jack Brooks of Beaumont, Texas. Brooks routinely would come to visit us at the Beaumont Enterprise and usually took time to swipe at Reagan. He actually once criticized Reagan’s use of note cards as a crutch.

But … guess what! Brooks did the very same thing! He, too, would meet with our editorial board and would glance at note cards to remind him of points he intended to make.

I am not the least bit concerned about President Biden’s mental acuity. He slips up occasionally, misstating people’s names or saying he’s been somewhere when he hasn’t. BFD, man!

As for the note cards, let the man scribble a note or two on them to remind him of the topic at hand. It’s part of doing business in a highly complicated world.

One thought on “Nothing wrong with note cards”

  1. In meetings is one thing. Press conferences is another. His handlers give him DETAILED cards WITH PICTURES so he knows who to call on in press conferences. Those cards have who to call on and the EXACT question that will be asked, along with the answer on the card. Yet, he still screws it up! He literally has the question and answer and can’t get it right.

    I don’t believe you really think he’s competent. I think you’re one of those that can’t admit when he was wrong about someone. Especially when it a democrat versus a republican.

    Pray for Biden… Psalms 109:8

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