‘Solipsistic?’ Wow! Cool word

Occasionally, I have to look up words to find definitions with which I am unfamiliar.

Former Trump administration senior policy adviser — and one-time 2016 campaign manager for Donald Trump — Kellyanne Conway dropped a word on me that forced me to crack open by dog-eared American Heritage man-cave dictionary.

She writes in her new memoir about Trump that his 2020 re-election campaign was “more solipsistic than scrappy.”

Hey, I know what “scrappy” means. The “solipsistic” term got me scrambling. It refers to one’s fixation with one’s self. Gosh. Do you think that fits Donald J. Trump to the proverbial “t”? It damn sure does!

It’s quite a term that I want to nominate for the glossary of cool words that we might hear repeated by media talking heads as they discuss recent political history.

Solipsistic? Yeah, I’m down with that.
