No shortage of geese

I witnessed something today over the course of several hours that I don’t think I’d seen before. It involved lots of wildlife.

One of my part-time jobs allows me to circle a parking lot at the Toyota dealership where I work. I spend about half my day outdoors offering help to customers who might need it.

Well, beginning shortly after noon today, I heard the sound of Canada geese overhead. I looked up and saw this large flight of geese moving westward over the ranchland just west of the dealership. It contained a couple hundred geese.

Then came another formation of geese. Right behind the first one, this second flight also moved off to the west.

Then a third flight came. And a fourth. And on and on it went, for most of the afternoon.

Geese, thousands of them, heading west.

I have a rough idea where some of them originated. I am guessing they took off from McDonald Lake, a playa that sits at the corner of 45th Avenue and Coulter Street in Amarillo — not far from our home. But surely the lake couldn’t have been starting point for all the birds I saw today.

My goodness, there had to have been 10,000 birds migrating for most of the afternoon. What the heck, I have no clue how many birds I saw today. Ten grand sounds about right.

I have no clue where they were going, or why they all took flight when they did.

I’ve drawn one quite obvious conclusion based on what I saw today. The world has no shortage of Canada geese.

I’ll be back at work tomorrow and will be looking for signs of more these creatures. Here’s hoping they take flight. They make quite a sight on a cold, cloudy day.