Former acting AG: ‘Abuse of power is not a crime’

I am not a lawyer; nor do I portray one on TV.

However, I have read the U.S. Constitution. I have been following the Donald Trump impeachment saga with considerable interest. So, when a former U.S. attorney general says “Abuse of power is not a crime,” I am left to scratch my noggin and wonder: How did this guy become — if only briefly — the nation’s top law enforcement official?

Matthew Whitaker, a staunch defender of Donald J. Trump, said in public that the U.S. Constitution doesn’t specify that abuse of power is a crime. Therefore, according to Whitaker, the grounds for impeaching Trump are, um, without basis.

According to Salon:Ā Invoking the Constitution, former acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker claimed that ā€œabuse of power is not a crimeā€ as he rushed to President Donald Trump’s defense after the nation’s top envoy to Ukraine testified to Congress that Trump hadĀ withheld military aid in order to pressure UkraineĀ to investigating his political opponents.

ā€œIā€™m a former prosecutor and what I know is this is a perfect time for preliminary hearings where you would say show us your evidence,ā€ he told (talk show host Laura) Ingraham. ā€œWhat evidence of a crime do you have? So the Constitution ā€” abuse of power is not a crime.”

Oh, my.Ā Yes, it’s a crime.

Salon points out the obvious fact of history, which is that President Nixon would have been impeached on an abuse of power count; except that he resigned before the House could impeach him. Moreover, one of the House’s counts against President Clinton, who it did impeach, included, um, abuse of power.

So, how does this “former prosecutor” assert that abuse of power is not a crime and, therefore, is not an impeachable offense?

Donald Trump has abused the power of his office by seeking foreign government help in his re-election bid. He has abused the power of his office by firing an FBI director because he was conducting an investigation into the “Russia thing.”

I don’t have a legal background. However, I know a crime when I see one. I believe Donald Trump’s abuse of power is a crime for which he can be impeached and, by all means, removed from office.