Happy Trails, Part 106: Getting in shape for Emma

I used to say frequently that the world’s greatest athletes are our children.

If you want to get in shape, just try keeping up with your post-toddler child or grandchild; do everything they do … or so the saying goes.

I need to get into better physical condition. Emma ran me ragged at the park today.

She wanted to play and wanted to keep playing until she was done.

Up some steps, some ladders and down a slide we flew. Repeatedly. Then it was back up the steps and ladders. Down the slide. Back up. Down we went.

She wore me out!

Do I mind? Not one bit. Not in the least! Emma is why we made the move from the Texas Panhandle to this Dallas-area community.

I now have ample reason to get in shape and to stay in shape. I have to keep up with Emma.

Get ready, young lady! Eventually, I’ll match her step for step.