Abu Muhammad al-Adnani is dead — reportedly.
Who is this guy, Adnani? Oh, he’s the No. 2 man in the Islamic State hierarchy. He’s one of the founders of ISIS. He’s believed to be the mastermindĀ behind the recent terrorist attack in Paris.
Adnani apparently bought it in Aleppo, Syria, according to ISIS’s media arm.
This is a big deal, man. A real big deal, in fact.
It’s not clear yet how Adnani was killed. Was it an air strike by a manned jet fighter with an American or allied pilot at the stick? Was it by a drone strike?
Does this mean the end of the Islamic State? No.
However, it suggests — presuming Adnani’s death can be confirmed — that ISIS is in serious trouble.
Why mention this today? Well, we keep hearing from Donald J. Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, that ISIS is “winning,” that U.S. forces can’t defeat this Islamic terrorist organization because the commander in chief, Barack Obama, refuses to link the terror organization to the religion it purports to represent.
Let’s review for a brief moment.
Osama bin Laden is dead; drone strikes have taken out al-Qaeda and ISIS leaders throughout the Middle East; our special operations forces — Navy SEALs, Army Delta Force commandos and CIA operatives — are on the hunt constantly for the terrorist monsters.
We’re killing bad guys almost daily.
When we take out leaders of the Islamic State brain trust — such as Abu Muhammad al-Adnani — that’s a really big deal.
The fight will go on. Can we declare victory yet? Of course not. It is my sense, though, that we’re a lot closer to that moment than we were on 9/11.