Not fit to lead?

“You just don’t get it.”

With that, a gentleman told me early today that my column on Sunday about the late Sen. Ted Kennedy was way off the mark. He had tapped my shoulder, got my attention, and then unloaded.

Kennedy lacked character, the man said, “and that’s why the Panhandle never could support someone like him.” He was referring, of course, to the many personal misdeeds that plagued the senator’s life.

Kennedy couldn’t lead a “Judeo-Christian nation like ours,” he said, noting that the senator’s many sins disqualified him from a position of leadership.

OK. Point taken.

But I’ll just add that the Bible is chock full of references to grace and forgiveness. And I believe it also says that only God is fit to pass judgment on someone’s sins.

I prefer to let the Almighty determine who is fit to enjoy eternal life.

I did, however, get the gentleman’s name and thanked him for his comments. Maybe we can talk some more.