Miracles occur just like that

white easter

Miracles generally are those things that defy explanation.

Spontaneous remission from deadly disease is a miracle. Doctors cannot explain it. That’s one example.

Another one might have occurred this morning when we awoke in parts of the Texas Panhandle. We found snow blanketing our lawns and rooftops.

The miracle? Well someone asked this morning via social media why it didn’t snow on the streets and sidewalks.

I thought the same thing when I looked out as the sun came up this morning. Why is our quiet residential street dry? Same with the sidewalks. They were dry as a bone, too.

My answer to this person was that it just might be of those many mysteries of life, although I’m sure some smarty pants who reads this blog will come with a perfectly logical meteorological explanation for what we saw early today.

Go for it.

I’ll just consider it a miracle of sort.

Besides, today is Easter. Scripture tells us about the miracle involving Jesus Christ’s resurrection that occurred on this day nearly 2,000 years ago.

How fitting. Don’t you think?