Chaos reigns supreme!


Can there be a more telling example of the chaos that Donald Trump brought to the presidency than what is unfolding as he prepares to leave it behind?

Trump’s negotiating team, led by Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, hammered out a COVID-19 relief package that includes a modest payment to eligible Americans, as well as extending unemployment insurance for millions of Americans impacted by the pandemic.

Yep, Trump’s team was involved all the way. So what does Donald Trump do when he gets the bill approved by bipartisan majorities in both houses of Congress? He jets off to Florida and says he won’t sign it. He wants more than $600 for Americans; he wants $2,000!

I appreciate the Chaos Meister in Chief’s generosity. I am baffled by what it means for the bill that awaits his signature. If he doesn’t sign it, Americans won’t get a dime; unemployment insurance will run out; and the government is slated to shut down.

What the fu** is this guy trying to do?

Congressional Democrats are pushing for him to agree to the larger payout. Republicans are digging in against it. Trump is now putting GOP officials’ careers in peril if he continues to resist, which to be candid doesn’t bother me in the least.

What bothers the living  malarkey out of me is the peril that awaits those who need immediate help. Whether it’s in the form of the modest payment contained in the bill already approved or the larger amount that Trump is now demanding, none of it will get to where it needs to go unless Donald Trump pulls his head out of his a** and signs the legislation.

A lot of us feared this kind of chaos would ensue once Donald Trump took office. He is making his exit all the more chaotic … and welcomed by millions of us who await a real president to repair the damage that this clown is delivering.

One thought on “Chaos reigns supreme!”

  1. Yep, you certainly quit writing about Trump!! The other day was the LAST TIME we’d read anything Trump. LOL!!!!

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